Mark your calendars, the Spring Rage in the Cage Tournament will be held on March 28th at Bloomsburg Area High School High. This event is open to all educational teams and we will be following the 2018-19 National Robotics League or the most current rules and regulations available on the site. Registration forms are available NOW!
I’m excited that we will have at least 5 new schools/teams joining our region this year. This will be our largest regional event to date, so be sure to get your registration information in as soon as possible. The registration fee will be $50 for the first robot and $35 for each additional robot from the same school.
Once again, we will be having an Innovation Award of $500 to be given to the team that explores new ways to implement new design features or methods, utilize of new technologies like 3D printing, Bluetooth or sensors, and employ new communication strategies or project management tactics. This new award directly supports the NRL mission of providing an exciting, hands-on experience through business/education partnership to build the current and future workforce needed by the manufacturing industry.
In addition, your robotic program can get free licenses for SolidWorks that students can use on their home computers. Mastercam is also offering a free seat of their CAM software that CAN be used at your school. There are other resources available to participating NRL teams, so check out what is available.
If you happen to have a student that is planning to go into Computer Aided Machining Technology after high school at an accredited institution, I have a HAAS Foundation Grant of $2500 that is available to a qualified student that participates in our event. Further details upon request.
We will be looking for judges and advisors to help out with some of the event logistics. If you have parents, former students or sponsors that can help us out with an hour or two at this event, please reach out to them and put them in contact with me so we can keep growing as a region. The extra help will benefit all students to make this regional tournament better for everyone.
In addition, we are looking for new host schools for future robotic events so we can keep expanding and exposing new schools to the excitement combative robots can bring to engineering programs.
As the spring event approaches, if you need any help getting your team ready for this event, feel free to send me questions or concerns. Also, please reach out to neighboring schools and others in the profession to come see what this event is all about. With your help, we can keep this program growing!
On a side note… the Bloomsburg High School complex has been under construction for the past 6 months. I’m just now getting some parts of my lab back and the extra time it takes to set up and get everything running has me busier than usual at this point of the year. If anyone has past students or parents that can assist in helping judge or run the event, it would be appreciated…