It’s a huge weekend for NRL regional competitions! Check out the articles below for more information on a robot battle near you.
SWPA Bots IQ: Pittsburgh

You’ve probably been hearing a lot about the Southwestern PA BotsIQ competition. We’ve been sending out information and so have many other organizations, educators and companies. You’re hearing a lot about it, because it’s a big deal– for young people in the region as well as manufacturers.
Faced with a shortage of qualified workers to fill positions in the manufacturing industry and a workforce that was getting older, a small committed group of representatives from manufacturing and education brought this idea to Pittsburgh nearly a decade ago. What if we supply young people with the tools and know-how to build something great– something cool? What if we show them that building things is not only cool, but also a potential career path? That first year, 6 schools competed in this robot-building competition. The rest, as they say, is history.
Read more on the Pittsburgh NTMA Chapter Website
AWT RoboBots: Mentor OH
They’re gearing up to tear it up at Lakeland Community College again this year.
This weekend, on Friday, April 25, and Saturday, April 26, there will be 31 teams competing in the fourth annual “Sparks Fly” combat robotics competition. Each team represents an area high school, as well as at least one area manufacturing company.
The companies serve as mentors, technical consultants and financial sponsors for the teams. Including nine companies that make up the Ashtabula Manufacturing Group — which is sponsoring Ashtabula County Technical and Career Campus, also known as A-Tech — there are 40 companies supporting this year’s competition.
Read more on Crain’s Cleveland Business