Editors note: A huge thank you goes out to Alyssa Muttillo, Julie Schiffer, and Ana Maria Vargas, as well as their teacher, Gretchen Santo from the Beaumont School for traveling to […]
Team Stories
Eagles Battle at Xtreme Bots Competition
Reprinted from CJEagles.com An innovative battle bot design by a team of six CJ Project Lead the Way (PLTW) engineering students literally and figuratively caught the attention of onlookers and opponents at […]
Can One Event Change a Life?
This article excerpt is reprinted from the Made in Dayton Blog When we think of life-changing events we probably think of big things, like the day we put a man […]
New NRL team gets started in Akron
Congratulations to one of our newest NRL teams from Wadsworth High School and their company mentor Sattler Machine Products on getting a great start on your first ‘bot! From team member […]